Str. Piscul Crăsani, 2D, Bucuresti
Fast Delivery We deliver products quickly, through courier/our own fleet, nationwide, on the next working day.
Installation and Maintenance The FILTRO® network of installers can assist with installation and maintenance.
Smart Alerts Don't worry! We'll alert you when it's time to replace cartridges.
Economical and Convenient In addition to being much more convenient, with FILTRO®, you save money too.
Pe 1, 3 si 6 mai suntem în concediu. Comenzile se vor expedia pe 7 mai. Mulțumim!

Premium Reverse Osmosis for Cleaner Water

High-efficiency water purifier with calcium and magnesium mineralization.

Ecomix (5 in 1)

Softens, removes iron, manganese, ammonia, and organic matter. The most advanced solution.


Installation and Maintenance

The FILTRO technical team can handle the installation and maintenance of your equipment.

Ask for an offer

Complete solutions for water filtration, treatment, and purification

Here you will find water filters with reverse osmosis (0.0001 microns), ultrafiltration (0.01 microns), or microfiltration (1-5 microns). Additionally, water filtration systems with alkalization and ionization will provide you with alkaline water (pH up to 9) to balance your body's acidity levels. In essence, you will have a spring in your own home! Moreover, we offer shower filters and BigBlue whole-house filters. All products are certified by independent companies (NFS and WRAS) and are produced in compliance with all EU standards.

Customer comment

Scapa de caratul bidoanelor

Scapa de caratul bidoanelor si a costurilor ridicate la apa imbuteliata !!! Cu sistemele de la filtro un lucru important de retinut este faptul ca ofera o apa de calitate in special la optiunea de osmoza inversa si filtru alkalin . Este extraordinara ca si gust / claritate cristalina si te...

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Featured products

Water treatment experts have tested and selected the best home water filtration systems for you. Here you will find water filters with reverse osmosis (0.0001 microns), ultrafiltration (0.01 microns), or microfiltration (1-5 microns). Additionally, water filtration systems with alkalization and ionization will provide you with alkaline water (pH up to 9) to balance your body's acidity levels. In essence, you will have a spring in your own home! Moreover, we offer shower filters and BigBlue whole-house filters. All products are certified by independent companies (NFS and WRAS) and are produced in compliance with all EU standards.


New products

Filter cartridge replacements for filtration systems (polypropylene, activated carbon, and water softening) typically occur every 6-12 months, depending on the quality of the incoming water. Ultrafiltration, alkalization, and reverse osmosis membrane cartridges have a lifespan of 12 to 36 months, influenced by the volume of filtered water. Most systems can filter up to 5000 liters of water under optimal conditions. Choose the cartridge set or accessories you need.


Top Rated products

Some products listed on our site are more highly regarded than others. That's why we've selected only the top-rated products in this section.


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